• Containers!

    By Dan Caseley
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    I know it’s not universal, but I love working with containers. Once you’ve got your container runtime, it doesn’t matter what you’re running, whether it’s a web app, a database, a command line tool, or something else entirely. It doesn’t matter whether it was written in Rust or Erlang or... [Read More]
  • Progress Report

    By Guus der Kinderen
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    We’ve been quiet for a while, but we’ve been busy! Over the last few months, things have progressed nicely. Let me catch you up! [Read More]
  • How we expect to use Compliance Tests

    By Dan Caseley
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    One of XMPP’s largest challenges (and indeed of all open standards) is interoperability. We want to enable anyone to use the standards on any platform they like, written in the programming language they prefer, focussing design and utility toward any group, from enterprise to egg-cup enthusiasts. [Read More]
  • Project Kick-off

    By Dan Caseley
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    We’re Guus & Dan, and we’re proud to announce that NLNet have chosen to sponsor a project of interoperability tests for the XMPP ecosystem. [Read More]